About Me

Hi, I'm Meghan.

A little intro if you’re new to me!

I am a Minnesota native, 5'0", and mixed race.

I have played violin since I was 2 years old.

I always need great texture to my food.

I love cartoons, supernatural teenage tv shows, & food network.

I've been studying 1:1 with a shaman since since 2011.

I adore children and animals.

I'm an extremely loyal friend and family member.

I am introverted and an empath … so I love being with people, and need equal, if not more time alone to recharge.

I changed my entire life by cleaning up my eating.

…. which cellularly opened up space to heal my life & live aligned, happy, at a great weight for my body, with very little stress

…. and thus, able to help you do the same for yourself!


I used to be the one who instigated bouncing to the bars that had the latest last call … then to the pizza place that stayed open til 4am to soak up all the alcohol.

And then, the next day, I would get up and run 10 miles before playing a matinee concert.đź« 

I had a destructive relationship with food, exercise, myself, and life in general.

I used to think that if I restricted calories to under 1200 a day, or ate fat-free, or no carbs, or processed-packaged-organic vegan frozen food, or ran 50+ miles a week, that somehow my life would start feeling better.

I used exercise as punishment for what I ate, or as permission to eat.

I thought that if I did all those things, my relationships would improve, I would look a certain way, and not feel constantly stressed, never enough, and always sad.

I have been there with disordered eating, digestive issues, eating my way through fad diets, dealing with awful allergies, feeling physically, mentally, emotionally pretty crappy the majority of the time ... and continually searching for answers and fixes outside of myself.

What I learned is that by going inside, becoming more & more deeply aware / conscious / mindful every moment of every day ... from my own studies & through shamanic practices ... everything starts to shift for the better.

What had to shift for me was everything about how I lived.

And now, I can say that I’ve figured out (not the easy way) How To Live.

That includes all I eat, my relationship with food, my relationship with myself, how I exercise, how I choose to move through stressful situations, how I relate to everyone & everything … literally every single thing.

It’s all internal.

And then reflects directly into the external.

I didn’t reach and exceed my health & weight goals until I shifted into basing my self trust, self worth, & inner value on my heart … actually sensing, feeling, & knowing who I am … that’s where the shift happened for me. learning to hear my highest self, how to listen to my intuition, always living & making decisions from that space.

That’s the place where your eating, weight, relationships, & life can start to really heal … because it’s all connected!


If you've read this far, you deserve a snack haha! Here's a little gift from me with a fun, delicious, 3 ingredient guilt-free chocolate recipe ~  https://www.wellnessonpurpose.org/guilt-free-chocolate

Grabbing this free recipe adds you to my email list (your information will NOT be shared). My emails are to the point, about 1 topic, whether an easy, delicious, healthy recipe to try, a thought to make you pause & perhaps shift perspectives, or something fun I'm offering that might feel really beneficial to you!

I intend on these being some of the emails you really look forward to receiving ... not too many ... but enough to brighten your days and know it is very important that you are here in this lifetime 🤍

Ways to work with me

By the time we're done you'll ...
  • have confidence in your food choices & feel more secure in your body
  •  be more mindful, present & in tune with your body's intuitive eating, so that you no longer go into the sugar at 9pm
  • be well on the way to your weight loss goal
  • feel more physically balanced, more overall life balance, less stress & overwhelm, so that you can respond to situations from a place of power instead of simply knee jerk reacting
Learn more here
This course is for you if you
  • feel ready to shift from no control over food into healthier habits
  • are open & willing to tap into yourself and start practicing mindfulness around food
  • are ready to start feeling confident with your food choices & your body, stop feeling decision fatigue around what to eat, and start feeling empowered about your health


Read more!
Let's have a free discovery call together!
  •  Do you feel lack confidence and feel insecure in your body & your food choices?
  • Do you want to stop leaning on sugar to get you through the day or to make you feel better?
  • Would you love to have way less overwhelm, worry, stress, discontent, and imbalance in your life?


Schedule your call