Clean Up Your Eating, Heal Your Life 1:1 Program

Would you love to FINALLY feel more confident in your body & food choices, and aligned with your authentic self?




  • Do you feel lack confidence and feel insecure in your body & your food choices?
  • Do you want to stop leaning on sugar to get you through the day or to make you feel better?
  • Would you love to have way less overwhelm, worry, stress, discontent, and imbalance in your life?

Hi, I'm Meghan!

I'm a Holistic Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a Certified Personal Trainer, a published author, a student of Shamanism, and I'm ready to help you! I'm ready to help you balance all of the things in your life.

I've done it, and I know it's in the cards for you as well! In my 3 month Clean Up Your Eating, Heal Your Life Program that's exactly what we're going to do.

Imagine having the FULL support of a Health Coach For 3 months straight, in a program that is completely personalized for you!

If you feel like you need help, like you're doing all of the things, but nothing's working, I have a plan for you! You don't have to do it all on your own...and I am there with you the entire time, every step of your journey!

In this tailored program, we will walk together side by side, step by step to create transformations in both your outer & inner worlds, and put you on the path toward your ideal health.

"Meghan, thank you for giving myself back."

"These two photos are about 16 months apart.

In the image on the left, I felt like I was struggling so much more with my energy levels and mental clarity. I had to force smiles out because I was just exhausted all the time. And I LOVE to smile!

Fast forward to this past March, I began a beautiful, uplifting, supportive, and inspiring relationship with Meghan, who’s helped me gain a much better understanding of my body, mind, soul, and their needs.

Choosing to invest in myself wasn’t a matter of losing weight or looking better. It was about FEELING better, stronger, happier, and able to make food work for me (not the other way around).

To anyone out there teetering back and forth between investing in your overall well-being or pushing through your lethargy, I highly encourage you to reach out to Meghan, even if it’s just an initial consultation.

Meghan, thank you for giving me myself back!!"

- Natalie

Over three months you'll get...

12 Weekly 1:1 Coaching Calls

You'll get my undivided attention during these 12  separate 1:1 video calls with me for 60 minutes each (1 call per week). Having all of these calls with me during this amount of time helps immeasurably in achieving the sustainable changes & results you want.

Personalized Recommendations

2 or 3 personalized recommendations to play with/work with over the week between calls.

Call Notes

Detailed call notes to help keep you accountable, keep you driven, know that you are heard, supported, and totally capable of doing anything you put your mind to!

24/7 Email and Messaging Access

You have 24/7 email & messaging access to me to ask questions, voice concerns, & celebrate wins! I will answer you within 24 hours.

Little Life Changes

Many fun, easy, quick recipes; gifts in the mail applicable to what we discussed; a pantry & fridge session; virtual personal training sessions (optional); and MANY more "little life changes".

This program is for people who are:

  • ready to commit fully to themselves and to their health
  • open and willing to implement personalized recommendations, and take steps to make overall sustainable eating & lifestyle changes
  • ready to start living a life more & more on purpose, and transforming in amazing ways they never imagined possible.

This program is NOT for people who:

  • are looking for a one-size-fits-all or a quick fix diet
  • have a serious illness or disease and first need to go seek the advice of a medical doctor
  • are unwilling or unready to commit to themselves to implement changes in their eating and throughout their whole lives

"I was able to shed the weight and create a sustainable lifestyle that makes me feel great!"

By the time we're done you'll...


  • have confidence in your food choices & feel more secure in your body
  • be more mindful, present & in tune with your body's intuitive eating, so that you no longer go into the sugar at 9 pm, or absentmindedly grab handfuls of chips you don't even like
  • be well on your way to your weight & health goals
  • feel more physically balanced, more overall life balance, less stress & overwhelm, so that you can respond to situations from a place of power instead of simply knee jerk reacting
  • feel very proud of yourself for shifting your life more towards 90% happy with 10% normal life stuff vs. feeling 90% stuck in your life, weight, job, & unhealthy relationships
  • have a deeper overall feeling of internal mental & emotional balance, grace, ease, peace, and calm, so that you are treating & feeding your body from a place of self-love, and coming into alignment with your true self-worth & purpose

I used to think that if I restricted calories to under 1200 a day, or ate fat-free, or no carbs, or processed-packaged-organic vegan frozen food, or ran 50+ miles a week, that somehow my life would start feeling better.

I used exercise as punishment for what I ate, or as permission to eat.

I thought that if I did all those things, my relationships would improve, I would look a certain way, and not feel constantly stressed, never enough, and always sad.

I have been there with disordered eating, digestive issues, eating my way through fad diets, dealing with awful allergies, feeling physically, mentally, emotionally pretty crappy the majority of the time ... and continually searching for answers and fixes outside of myself.

What I learned is that by going inside, becoming more & more deeply aware / conscious / mindful every moment of every day ... from my own studies & through shamanic practices ... everything starts to shift for the better.

What had to shift for me was everything about how I lived.

And now, I can say that I’ve figured out (not the easy way) How To Live.

That includes all I eat, my relationship with food, my relationship with myself, how I exercise, how I choose to move through stressful situations, how I relate to everyone & everything … literally every single thing.


It’s all internal.

And then reflects directly into the external.


I didn’t reach and exceed my health & weight goals until I shifted into basing my self trust, self worth, & inner value on my heart … actually sensing, feeling, & knowing who I am … that’s where the shift happened for me. learning to hear my highest self, how to listen to my intuition, always living & making decisions from that space.

That’s the place where your eating, weight, relationships, & life can start to really heal … because it’s all connected!

My life has completely changed for the better since implementing the things that I teach in this program, and it can do the same for you! If you're ready for an inner sense of balance, peace, ease, & calm, sign up below, and let's get started together!


A recap of what you'll get:

  • 12 coaching calls with me, so you begin feeling more intentional & in control with your eating, your work, health & fitness, and start to create overall balance in your life. ($3666 value)
  • detailed call notes to help keep you accountable, keep you driven, know that you are heard, supported, and totally capable of doing anything you put your mind to! ($2400 value)
  • open messaging with me between calls as if I'm with you all the time throughout the program, to super charge accountability ($300 / day value when used fully)

  • virtual pantry & fridge session to set your kitchen up for success! ($83 value) 
  • somatic breathwork - guided, channeled breathwork to help you ground, unpack, align, open, and heal ($106 value per session)
  • virtual grocery store tour to help you navigate your way toward all of the great foods that become your *new normal*. ($90 value)
  • recipes ~ fun, healthy versions of new and old favorites for you to try playing with.
  • gifts ... related to everything we're working on together, from food samples, to things for your office, kitchen gadgets, books, etc. (up to $200)

PLUS so many more individualized things just for you!


12 weeks / 12 calls 1:1 Health Coaching Program $3666

12 call notes $2400

open messaging accountability $300 / day for 84 days

pantry & fridge call $83

breathwork $106

grocery store tour $90

recipes & gifts up to $200

$31,745 total value for $3333 ... I know! lowest I can go ... this won't last!
and per day, it's the cost of a take-out dinner for your family ... your health is worth way more than that!

Choose the option for you:



SAVE 10%


Payment Plan




Looking forward to working with you!  

I love helping people who feel ready to feel better, dedicated & committed to cleaning up their health! 

Got a question? Feel free to email me or message me on Instagram!