Guilt-Free Eating Course


Do you want to feel confident with food choices so you can stop stressing about what to eat, and use your energy for enjoying life instead?

Would you love to gain confidence in social gatherings so that you can eat freely wherever you are?

Are you ready to improve emotional eating by shifting into mindfulness?

My name is Meghan, I'm a Holistic Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a Certified Personal Trainer, a published author, a student of Shamanism, and I'm ready to help you! I'm ready to help you start balancing & cleaning up your eating, health, and all of the things in your life.
I've done it, and I know it's in the cards for you as well! In the Guilt-Free Eating Course that's exactly what we're going to do.

How shamanism influences my coaching


Let's dive into the course!

In the health scene right now, it is a RARE opportunity to have the guidance of a Health Coach through a course that guides you step by step in a sustainable method to start cleaning up your life with food & mindfulness.

If you feel like you need help, like you're doing all of the things, but nothing's working, this is the course for you! You don't have to do it all on your own ... and I am there with you side by side, through your journey in this course!

Problems this course solves/benefits: 

  • No more meaningless progress or "wagons to fall off of" with eating habits
  • Learn how to stop overeating and start to gain control over your eating habits and stress
  • Food & mindfulness habits you'll have for life
  • Healthy sustainable weight loss ... without the guilt 
  • Know what to eat & what to avoid (or eat " only occasionally") for sustainable, guilt-free eating
  • Get started and feel empowered about your health 
  • Easy/actionable course created for you to do on your own time

“My wellness journey began with seeking answers for the chronic pain in my knees. I have been fit and athletic all of my life, and I was eating what I thought was a well-balanced diet. But I knew I had nothing to lose by getting some help with answers about my knee pain!

As my wellness coach and nutritionist, Meghan Jones was and still is the greatest gift I could give myself in becoming empowered to take control of my life. She has taken the most important lessons I’ve learned from her in the span of three months and compiled them in a beautiful, easily accessible course. Her “Guilt-free Eating Course” is the perfect tool to start making steps towards fueling your mind, body, and soul in ways that celebrate your strength and happiness! I take the resources I’ve acquired from my adventure with Meghan with me on a daily basis - from personal meal planning to tackling social experiences, I feel completely confident in the ways that I know how to honor my goals and my body. Best of all…the knee pain has drastically diminished, AND I love how my body looks (as a total cherry on top!).

What do you have to lose by trying this course out and getting answers about yourself?!”

- Nat

"Meghan’s online Guilt-Free Eating course is excellent!  It lays out all the basic foundation to a healthier body. It is not a diet but a life style change that will alter the way you look at food.  I highly recommend this course and 1:1 coaching with Meghan.  She has changed my relationship with food.  I eat for energy and celebrate the beautiful foods that nature has given us."

- Jenni

Loved this course! Going through it has changed the way I look at food and myself and I’m so grateful for it!

- Cheney

This Program is for people who are:

~ ready to shift from no control into healthier habits

~ open & willing to tap into themselves and start practicing mindfulness around food

~ ready to start feeling confident with their food choices & their bodies, stop feeling decision fatigue around what to eat, and start feeling empowered about their health


This Program is NOT for people who:

~ are looking for a one-size-fits-all, a quick fix diet, or set meal plan
~ have a serious illness or disease and first need to go seek the advice of a medical doctor
~ are wanting an individualized, tailored 1:1 health coaching program (*ask me for more details)

By the time the course is done you'll ...

~ feel confident with food choices so you can stop stressing about what to eat
~ have more confidence in social gatherings so that you can eat freely wherever you are
~ improve emotional eating by shifting into mindfulness

In the course you'll get ...

~ 7 different videos with me guiding you through the course, and talking you through the material
~ Written out versions of the content below the videos so that you can read through it and print it if you'd like, as well
~ Easy, actionable recommendations to play with/work with between implement all the little things you are wanting to work on
~ Lots of PDFs and extra bonus material for you to watch, read, print, and have to reference continually even after you've completed the course
~ Email & messaging access to me to ask questions, & celebrate wins!

I used to think that if I restricted calories to under 1200 a day, or ate fat-free, or no carbs, or processed-packaged-organic vegan frozen food, or ran 50+ miles a week, that somehow my life would start feeling better.

I thought that if I did all those things, my relationships would improve, I would look a certain way, and not feel constantly stressed, never enough, and always sad.

Doing those mean things to myself for decades didn’t work.

I have been there with digestive issues, eating my way through varying fad diets, dealing with awful allergies, feeling physically, mentally, emotionally pretty crappy the majority of the time ... and continually searching for answers and fixes outside of myself.

What I learned is that by going inside, becoming more & more deeply aware / conscious / mindful every moment of every day ... from my own studies & through shamanic practices ... everything starts to shift for the better.

I didn’t reach & exceed my health and weight goals until I shifted into basing my self trust, self worth, & inner value on my heart … actually sensing, feeling, & knowing who I am … that’s where the shift happened for me. learning to hear my highest self, how to listen to my intuition, always living & making decisions from that space.

That’s the place where your eating, weight, relationships, & life can start to really heal … because it’s all connected!

 My life has completely changed for the better since implementing the things that I teach in this course, and it can do the same for you if you're ready to start cleaning up your life with food & mindfulness!


* 7 videos with me guiding you through the course, and talking you through the material 
* Written out versions of the content below the videos so that you can read through it and print it if you'd like, as well
* Easy, actionable recommendations to play with/work with between implement all the little things you are wanting to work on
* Lots of PDFs and extra bonus material for you to watch, read, print, and have to reference continually even after you've completed the course
* Email & messaging access to me to ask questions, & celebrate wins! I will answer you within 24 hours
* Access to this course for life, with all future updates

The Guilt-Free Eating Course for $500

(value = $5000 , save $4500)

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Looking forward to working with you!  

I love helping people who feel ready to feel better, dedicated & committed to cleaning up their health! 

Got a question? Feel free to email me at [email protected]  or message me on Instagram @wellness_on_purpose!