You are your 1st Born Child


you are your 1st born child.

first you were born & then you met (or birthed, adopted, chose) everyone else in your life!


and your body is also your child, or it can become your sacrifice …

and you wouldn’t necessarily choose right this instant truly to sacrifice your physical child or fur baby.

you care so much for your children, pets, relatives who are aging, etc.

what about your literal first born … you?

you are your 1st kid. she still needs you even though she’s a grown adult. she still needs all that you provide for the first of your children, whether human or furry.

he needs more than neglect. he needs more than being ignored. he needs more than the garbage you tend to go to at your *eating convenience*.

she needs sunshine, fresh air, motion, nap / downtime, limited screen time, to eat her vegetables, to have a drink of water, to say what she’s grateful for before bed, and maybe even a bedtime story “if you get ready quickly, we’ll have plenty of time to read together” …

you literally, physically are your own child, your only child, or your first born, but that doesn’t seem to factor in much.

whatever your current life looks like, it’s pretty guaranteed you can do better for / to that child.