Are you ready to feel it’s truly possible to reach your health & weight goals?

Shamanism and eating

I want to share a little about my opinion of how shamanism influences eating ...

Very basically, shamanism acknowledges that everything is energy 🤍 You are energy, food is energy, trees are energy, words are energy, rocks are energy, etc.

Because everything is energy, if you walk around in a pure state of awareness, acknowledging that all is connected because everything is energy, then it follows that we are created to put high / like vibrational fuel in our bodies!

It’s a matching game, putting things In our bodies for the most support & clarity for literal brain clarity vs. brain fog - mental acuity, clearer vision, breathing, taste (taste buds change a lot!), energy level, weight, bloatedness …

Everything is energy, and when matching energy ... Meaning what food and drinks are put in your body, it can be a super nova awesome effect of self-regulation, homeostasis, and health 🤍

It’s all energy, and from this physical, energetically aligned space, that then influences every other area of your world / life, and vice versa.

Because there is no separation, no mistakes, no coincidences, no accidents. It all lines up perfectly based on how you are showing up. And how you show up shifts from what you are ingesting, literally and figuratively.

So circling back to what you eat ... Energetically high vibe, clean, pure foods put in your body creates the state it’s actually meant to be in, function in, thrive in (which is the opposite of pure survival / survive in).

Cleaning up your eating WILL clean up and heal your life.

It’s chicken and egg

And this is what my 1:1 coaching program is all about  🙏🏼 Send me a message me and I’ll send you more info!





Email: [email protected]